From the Hip Friday

Beach bums.

***First, a word about From the Hip Friday. I’ve been going back and forth for several months over whether or not I should lay this weekly feature to rest. But… the reality is that I really love seeing everyone’s less than perfect photos. It’s not often you get to see blurry, out of focus, or blindly composed photos on a travel blog, right? There’s just something that really appeals to me in many of these photographs. So with all that being said, I’ve reached a compromise. From the Hip Friday will now run every other week (opposite of Big Thing Thursday). And like always, if you have a photo you shot from the hip (meaning without using the viewfinder), please share it here!***

Today’s photo from the hip comes from Mike. He snapped it while visiting the beach in Jurmala, Latvia. During the Soviet Era, when high level Communist Party officials needed a little beach holiday they came here. The beach is 33km long and covered in white quartz sand. I can see the appeal! Who knows what Mike’s intended subject was here, but I’m sure it definitely wasn’t the beautiful women. Right?

Thanks, Mike!

xo, jill

From the Hip Friday features photos taken without the use of a viewfinder. If you have a photograph that was taken from the hip you’d like to share here, please contact me!

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