Mombacho Volcano

Going up.

Our second day in Nicaragua we hired a guide to visit Mombacho Volcano. To be honest, the guide wasn’t really necessary. However, it was nice to spend the morning chatting with him and learning more about his life in Nicaragua. As a young father, he recommended we wait until our mid-30s to get married and have kids but warned that we will be more like grandparents to our children. I had to chuckle a bit at his advice. He also provided detailed information about the volcano and cloud forest that enhanced our experience.

Mombacho Volcano, Nicaragua

Mombacho Volcano, Nicaragua

Mombacho Volcano, Nicaragua

There are two hiking trails at the top of the volcano. We hiked the shorter of the two that circles the main crater. The longer hike may have been more interesting, but it required more time and hiring an additional guide. I’m pretty happy with the route we took, although the hike was fairly easy.

Mombacho Volcano, Nicaragua Looking down into the crater.

Mombacho Volcano, Nicaragua

The view of Lake Nicaragua was a definite highlight of the excursion. Driving up and down the incredibly steep side of a volcano  in the back of a truck was pretty fun too.

xo, jill

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  1. I used to have an unexplainable fear of going up volcanoes. Maybe it’s because of what we see in the movies. But since I started hiking, I’ve really learned to love them. I think something about the volcano makes the surrounding plants different from a regular mountain, not sure though.
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