The Castle of the Moors

First stop in Sintra.

On our last day in Lisbon, we ventured even further out and took the train to Sintra. This little day trip is very popular and highly recommended. The pleasant walk from the train station allows the first few peeks at the lovely and picturesque town.

Sintra, Portugal Sintra, Portugal Sintra, Portugal Sintra, PortugalBeing in Sintra felt like a real life Choose Your Own Adventure fairytale. By studying our map we determined our choices for the day were: The Adventures of the 9th Century Moorish Castle or The Tale of the 19th Century Portuguese Palace. We settled the question by getting off the bus (take the 434 bus loop from the town center, worth it!) at the first stop, the Moorish Castle.

Sintra, Portugal

Pena Palace  /  Moorish Castle

The Castle of the Moors was first constructed between the 8th and 9th centuries. At that time, the Iberian Peninsula was largely under Muslim rule. The castle served as one of the primary military points in the area. Through the years the castle was remodeled, expanded, and damaged by battle and earthquake. By the mid 19th century, parts of the castle were in ruins when Ferdinand II called for its restoration. Several projects over the years continued to restore the castle and now it is one of several lovely tourist attractions in the area.

Sintra, Portugal Sintra, Portugal Sintra, Portugal Sintra, Portugal Sintra, Portugal Sintra, PortugalVisitors are welcome to explore the area freely. However, word of warning, if you are scared of heights beware. You can get right up next to the walls’ edge. Seeing the village below only amplifies the height of the castle.

Sintra, Portugal Sintra, PortugalNearing the end of our visit, we stopped for refreshments in the garden. This little cat caught my attention. Don’t you just love that tail?

Sintra, Portugal

Next, we hopped back on the bus and headed for Pena Palace.

xo, jill

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  1. We ended our RTW trip in Portugal, and I really wanted to make a day trip to Sintra to see this castle. But the weather was SO BAD and we were so exhausted that our trip wound up going out with a whimper rather than a bang as we stayed snuggled up in bed for a few days to escape the rain watching tv rather than exploring Lisbon and the surrounds. Such a pathetic ending to our trip, I know, but we were SO TIRED. I’m glad I got to visit the Castle of the Moors through your photos… one day I’ll have to go back when we haven’t been traveling for 21 months straight! 😀
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    • I think it sounds like a great ending to your trip. I’m pretty sure I would have made the same decision!! There’s something extra relaxing about watching tv in a hotel room, especially on a rainy day.

  2. Looks like you guys are having a great time! I need to check out Portugal, one day :)

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