An afternoon in Antwerp

The Diamond Cutting Capital.

Our next day trip after visiting Ghent was a very soggy afternoon in Antwerp. For some reason, my memories from Antwerp are severely lacking. I’ve had to ask Mike what we spent the day doing multiple times. It must be due to reciting the Shane Company’s radio commercial nonstop all day. “Now you have a friend in the diamond business. Shane Company. On Highway 217 and Scholl’s Ferry Road. Open Monday through Friday til 8, Saturday and Sunday til 5.”*

By adding Mike’s memories to my puny photograph collection, I gather that we spent the day walking around the city, visiting a castle, and not doing too much else.

What I do remember is stopping in for a drink at a Medieval cellar bar and warming my hands by the fire. That is highly recommended.

xo, jill

*I know they’ve moved locations at this point but that’s their Portland store’s address from my childhood.

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  1. I have the WORST autobiographical memory too. And I never think I do, so never take notes. My notebook is full of doodles and random observations I couldn’t say out loud to Rob on buses/trains/cafes. Not very useful! Ghent looks gorgeous – love all the gold statues on top of the buildings x
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  2. now the ad finishes up with “Online at” Funny, I can also recall that one without help. I just played pub trivia, and our team’s best round was “name the company associated with this insurance commercial.” Marketing buries itself in your brain!

  3. I couldn’t help but finish the Shane Co ad in my head before I could finish reading your sentence! Haha, dang that Shane Co.

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