Essaouira Part 1


Back in September, Mike and I headed out to Essaouira with a group of friends. Essaouria is a popular beachside getaway only a few hours from Marrakech. We hopped on a morning bus and had arrived at the beach by midday. There are enough tourist sights in Essaouria to keep you entertained for a day or two, if you meander at a leisurely pace. We enjoyed walking through the medina, exploring the ramparts, and visiting the (pretty gross) fish market. However, I think I’ll save my very favorite part of Essaouria for a different post on a different day. Essaouira was also the filming location for Orson Welles’ 1950s classic, Othello. Knowing that information almost makes me want to watch the movie, but I don’t think I’ve fully recovered yet from Citizen Kane.

xo, jill

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  1. Oh, Citizen Kane. True story: I watched it up to the last 5 minutes and then decided that I just didn’t care at all, and turned it off! I do not blame you for not wanting watch another one of that dude’s films…

    But more relevantly, Essaouira looks incredible—exactly how I would think a Moroccan beach town should look!

    Also, your shorter hair is very cute!
    Steph (@ 20 Years Hence) recently posted…Chewing the Fat with Landing Standing!My Profile

  2. oh my!!!! somehow your blog got taken off my feedly! so sad!! but so glad I fixed it! I had missed your travels!!!

  3. loving all the blue!

  4. Ohhh I see so many places I recognize!! I really enjoyed the days I spent in Essaouria!

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