Newcastle: In Lights

This is not about Morocco.

I know, I know! I’ve barely said a word about Morocco but I will… soon. I’d really love to get Australia wrapped up before I start diving into a whole new set of posts. (And then there’s Singapore too!) So just a little more of Australia coming your way…

One chilly night about a week before our departure, the citizens of Newcastle headed out into the streets to celebrate the launch of City Evolutions. As part of the initiative to revitalize East Newcastle (our neighborhood), the city (and partners) put together an interactive contemporary art installation on the oldest street in the city.

Watt Street was lit up with lights and digital projections. The shops and galleries were open along with several food stalls and artist booths. There were street performers, musicians, and fire breathers too. There were even collaborative painting projects set up for children to participate in.

Our housemate was involved with the planning and publicity so it was fun to see the culmination of all her many efforts. Plus, I always love to see a city come together to celebrate its history and art scene. All in all, an illuminating night.

xo, jill

P.S. The City Evolutions website lead me to this awesome old photograph of Newcastle Beach. Check out the buns + straw hat combo on the lower left. Hehe.

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  1. Guilty – I was expecting Morocco! This looks like a ton of fun though!
    Rika | Cubicle Throwdown recently posted…Vancouver Review: Eating My Way Through VancouverMy Profile

  2. This looks like a ball! So fun!
    Colleen Brynn recently posted…I Could Totally Live In… Buenos Aires, ArgentinaMy Profile

  3. you did a great job capturing the fire and all of these other night scenes. bravo. :)

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