Out in the Outback

The view from Broken Hill.

After hiking and camping in the Flinders Ranges, Mike and I started the long drive out to Broken Hill. We wanted an outback experience and Broken Hill seemed like our best bet. After arriving and settling in at our hotel, we drove a few miles outside of town to a place so flat you can reportedly see the curvature of the earth.

I’m not sure if I could see the earth’s curve, but it was a nice lookout nonetheless. I can’t imagine being an early explorer and willingly heading out into that outback… without air conditioning.

xo, jill

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  1. That’s exactly what I pictured the outback looking like! And it looks just like my home province of Saskatchewan…although if you can believe it, Saskatchewan is flatter :)
    Rika | Cubicle Throwdown recently posted…Badass business cards from Moo Printing!My Profile

  2. looks almost like the Saudi desert!!

  3. But more kangaroos!

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