Big Thing Thursday: Mango

If only.

Believe it or not, this big mango was one of the “big things” I was looking forward to seeing even before arriving in Australia. My friends Shirley and Tom have photos of themselves with the mango, and so does Mike (from a previous trip). I decided that I needed to have one too! So when we had a day to spare in Airlie Beach, I convinced Mike we should drive a few (78) more kilometers up to Bowen.

Yes, it was worth it. I don’t love this photo of myself (it was laundry day), but I have it!

The Bowen Mango was completed in 2002 and is of the local Kensington Pride variety. There seems to be a bit of debate as to whether or not the big mango is upside down. It is displayed with the stem on the bottom, which is how farmers pack the fruit, instead of how it would hang from a tree with the stem at the top. Have you ever wondered what it costs a to build a big mango? $90,000.

Big Thing: Kensington Pride Mango
Location: Bowen, Queensland
(mainly for sentimental reasons)

I definitely wouldn’t mind having a mango that big to eat…

xo, jill 

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  1. How fun! I want to visit more things like this in the US. I’ve always wanted to tow an Airstream across the country and visit superlatives along the way.

  2. jillacox says:

    That would be an awesome road trip! And a fun blog to follow.

  3. This is, hands down, the most ridiculous big thing. But the little insect IS pretty cool.

    But $90,000! Admittedly, that’s only marginally more expensive than actual mangoes in Victoria.

    Drove past the big koala TWICE this week, and thought of you! x

  4. hilarious! i love this. and i had to go pick a mango after i saw this, because it made me want one!

  5. jillacox says:

    So jealous! I want to “go pick a mango!”

  6. jillacox says:

    Most delicious too!

    And how did I miss the big koala? It’s a travesty!

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