Instant Eateries in Abu Dhabi

A random selection.A few nights ago I was sifting through photos on my computer looking for just the right one to wish Molly a “Happy Birthday.” In the process I came across a series of instax photos I completely forgot about. I don’t think there was any rhyme or reason at the time, but now I have a little collection of Mike, Molly, and me eating at random eateries in Abu Dhabi.

In an effort to post about somewhere other than Australia, here you go:

Konopizza at Madinat Zayed Shopping Center / I was so excited for this gimmicky pizza!
“The Russian Restaurant” / Could not tell you its actual name or how to get there, but it’s delicious.
Yogoday / Sampling all the frozen yogurt in the city for “research purposes.”
Saj 2 Go / Still crave a halloumi saj some days.
Forty Fruity / A classic choice. My favorite included strawberry, mango, guava, and avocado.
xo, jill
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  1. what a lucky find! these pictures are fun. :) wish i could send you a saj! xoxoxo

  2. jillacox says:

    found ’em by searching through my “molly” folder. 😉

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