A close call.


After our sailing trip to the Whitsundays, we stayed in Airlie Beach one more night before heading back south to Eungella National Park. We camped at Platypus Bushcamp with high hopes of spotting the elusive creature. Despite spending a few hours beside the “crystal clear platypus viewing pool,” we were out of luck. The upside was that we did meet this fellow.

The next morning we continued on our way to tiny Agnes Water and teeny 1770. We approached our final destination (a campsite in a National Park) just outside town, right as the sun was setting. Perfect timing.

You see, driving after dark outside of major cities is not something you want to do in Australia. I mean, unless you enjoy smacking kangaroos up with your car. Or smacking your car up with kangaroos. There is roadkill everywhere and it’s not pretty.

Unfortunately, as we started down the gravel road to the campsite we noticed a sign that informed us we’d need a 4×4 to get there. Uh oh. With the light fading fast we hurried toward Agnes Water to check out the hostel situation. Fully booked. All of them.

At this point we resorted to driving around in the pitch black darkness (ever heard of street lamps Australia?) searching for caravan parks and hoping to avoid any wayward roos. It was not looking good. I was ready to “camp” in a secluded parking lot. In the end we found a caravan park that was closed for the evening. Mike was able to track down the manager and we were saved! No more driving in the dark! No more fear of kangaroos!

(This is also the night that someone in the park was snoring so loud that I could hear him through earplugs and my pillow. I ended up trying to sleep in the car for the added sound barrier. My tolerance for snoring is basically non-existent. I wish I could ignore it like most people but it just makes my skin crawl… Sorry snorers!)

In the morning we headed to the beach but didn’t stay long. The previous night’s events made us eager to get to our next destination long before nightfall.

And we did.

xo, jill

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  1. nice!! i would have been scared of smashing a kangaroo too. and i’m the same way with snorers!

  2. Magalie L'Abbé says:

    That’s too bad you didn’t stick around Agnes / 1770 – I loved that place!

  3. jillacox says:

    I try to be understanding and just use ear plugs… but if you can blast through ear plugs… then COME ON! That’s a problem!

  4. jillacox says:

    I wish circumstances had been different. It did seem nice, but we were ready to get a move on!

  5. Erik Hofmeister says:

    One of the most harrowing experiences I had in Tasmania was driving early one morning. I think I must have hit what looked like a few potoroo and it was definitely stressing me out. Definitely second your ‘don’t drive after dark in Australia’ advice.

  6. jillacox says:

    That sounds terrifying!

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