Torrential Toronto

The little I saw.

Visiting Toronto didn’t quite go as planned. We spent the morning walking through High Park with two of Mike’s friends and their adorable baby. It was a pleasant walk but the weather was a bit too hot and humid. I was so uncomfortable I was secretly hoping it would hurry up and rain to clear the air.

Around midday.

Well… it did. After saying goodbye to Mike’s friends and taking a bus farther into the city, we noticed that the sky was quickly turning black. A few minutes later the rain was dumping. Luckily, we were only a few meters away from Second Cup so we ducked in to wait it out.

Eventually, we decided to just spend the afternoon at the cinema watching a movie set in Toronto. So at least I was able to see the city via Take This Waltz.

Here are a few other shots I took while in the city.

Haha, this shot screams UAE to me.

I think I might need to take another trip to Toronto one day.

xo, jill

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  1. Steph (@ 20 Years Hence) says:

    Sorry to hear that the weather did not cooperate with you in my hometown! I never think of Toronto being especially humid, but then again, I haven’t spent a summer there in quite some time, and compared to Nashville, TN (or pretty much all of Japan, where we spent the bulk of August) I just can’t see it holding a candle to that!

  2. Mike didn’t think it was that humid either… but compared to where I’m from it certainly was! Of course, compared to Abu Dhabi, it was nothin’!

  3. Aww, look at you exploring my old stomping grounds. :)

  4. I think I need a redo!

  5. aww sad, I really enjoyed Toronto when I was there! I really liked Kensington Square, did you get there?

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