Going to the chapel

Wedding + ReunionMike and I are in Los Angeles today celebrating the wedding of our good friends, Hannah and Allan. A lot of work has gone into this wedding so I’m really excited to see how it all comes together. Plus, other friends from Abu Dhabi will be in attendance as well so it will be like a little mini-reunion!

I couldn’t think of a better time to share a few engagement photos that the bride and groom asked me to take back in April. They wanted to showcase the desert so we raced to the dunes outside of Al Ain hoping to catch the sun just before it set. We barely made it.

I took about a million shots, but these were my favorite.

And then a blurry one of Mike and me when we finished. He was an excellent assistant.

xo, jill


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  1. These are awesome!

  2. Steph (@ 20 Years Hence) says:

    I love the whimsy that you captured in these photos! Your friends must have been ecstatic with them… they are certainly one of a kind!

  3. Thanks! It was a pretty stressful afternoon/evening (racing the sun) but I was happy to see a few of these blown up large at the wedding.

  4. Thank you! It was a fun experience but I don’t think engagement/wedding photography is in my future. The stress!

  5. so so good. i love these! and did you know that al had one photo made into a painting for his wedding gift to hannah? <3

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