Golden Buddha

The perfect disguise.

I have to say, I was not excited to return to Bangkok. Mike and I had both already explored the major sites in the city on previous trips.  What were we going to do with two and a half days? I was beginning to feel tired and not really in the mood to navigate a loud and bustling city, which made it difficult to want to leave the hostel. But since you can’t squander travel opportunities, we ventured out on a walk.

That’s how we came to visit Wat Traimit, home of the Golden Buddha.


The Golden Buddha is believed to have been made in the 13th or 14th centuries. At some point in time, the statue was covered in plaster to disguise it from raiding enemies. Unfortunately, the disguise was a little too good. For approximately 200 years the true value of the statue was forgotten. It was only in 1954 when the statue was accidentally dropped that the inner golden Buddha was discovered. What a nice surprise.

I suppose it’s a little like when you hide your Christmas presents just a little too well… and discover them the following year…except a lot more exciting.

xo, jill

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  1. Ha! That is so funny. What a great surprise to not have broken a priceless artifact, but to discover a more precious history.

  2. jillacox says:

    A very happy ending indeed!

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