The last of Vientiane

and the kids who stole my snacks.

Sometimes when you travel, you do a lot of searching. I’m not talking about the kind that involves your soul and gazing at your navel. I’m talking about the kind where you are speed walking down streets late at night in Bratislava on the hunt for tacos. Or getting lost in Vienna looking for that one vegetarian restaurant that Lonely Planet claims to be amazing.

After visiting Patuxai we found ourselves on one of these searches. Luckily we had the scooter to do all of the hard locomotive work. This time we were looking for something a bit more culturally relevant than tacos. Mike had heard about a seemingly magical place where you can enjoy a cheap sauna and message in a little forest on the grounds of a temple. Even using a GPS, we were having a difficult time. At one point we stopped to ask and were ushered onto the grounds of an International School. Maybe we should have stopped in for a quick interview?

Eventually we found it but not before I agreed to have a massage at a parlor down the block. I abhor confrontation so I stayed for the massage while Mike continued on until he found the actual place, Wat Sok Pa Luang. After my massage he brought me to the wat so I could see it for myself. Understandably, I didn’t take any photos as people were lounging around and sweating up the place. However, I did take one of the walkway in.

Later in the day we ended up once again near the Mekong. We stopped to snack on some steps and were instantly greeted by a few cute and very sneaky children.

That’s my cracker in her hand.

It didn’t take long for one to get into my chips and another to walk off with my packet of crackers. I know it’s teaching them bad habits, but I didn’t chastise them. I didn’t know what to do (and I’m a teacher!). They were so cute. Especially when one accidentally let go of her helium balloon. Instead of getting upset she just waved and said, “Buh-bye!”

What do you do when you get scammed by super cute kids? 

xo, jill 

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  1. I have already moaned to Tony that I have no idea how we’ll deal with children begging when we’re in Asia. I suspect it’s one of those things that never gets easier.

    How was your Lao massage? Worth the effort to find it in the first place?

  2. Joruco says:

    It used to happen to me all the time.

  3. jillacox says:

    Haha. Thanks mom! 😉

  4. jillacox says:

    When it comes to children begging, I do a pretty good job of resisting. Many places have signs asking you to “respect our dignity, don’t support beggars” or something like that. Which makes it easier because you feel reinforced that you’re doing the right thing by not giving them money. BUT… when cute kids come over to play with you and just start eating your food… that’s a little bit different! 😉

    The massage was great. It was probably the best one I had all trip! I appreciated that they washed my feet first (because they start at your feet and work their way up to your head). Other places did not and it’s just super gross to think about how dirty your feet get walking around in flip flops and that dirt getting massaged into your temples. Eww!

  5. I would never in a million years be able to resist them!

  6. Haha I can completely relate – I have a terrible sense of direction, and I’m always trying to find some random vegetarian restaurant I’ve read about that’s in the middle of nowhere. And when I finally find it, they’re usually closed! But I did manage to navigate our way to this great vegetarian restaurant in Vienna, maybe we’re thinking of the same one :)
    P.S. I love these photos Jill! These kids are so cute.

  7. jillacox says:

    This particular vegetarian restaurant we never found. It didn’t seem to exist. But we did find one later that I am in love with and still think about today! St. Josef’s. Did you go to that one? Somedays I want to go back to Vienna just for lunch!

  8. jillacox says:

    My boyfriend can’t either! 😉

  9. Beautiful shots! Those kids are darling and I got scammed big time by cute kids in Cambodia, but seriously, what do you do?

  10. Beautiful shots! Those kids are darling and I got scammed big time by cute kids in Cambodia, but seriously, what do you do?

  11. Beautiful shots! Those kids are darling and I got scammed big time by cute kids in Cambodia, but seriously, what do you do?

  12. Beautiful shots! Those kids are darling and I got scammed big time by cute kids in Cambodia, but seriously, what do you do?

  13. Beautiful shots! Those kids are darling and I got scammed big time by cute kids in Cambodia, but seriously, what do you do?

  14. I love the cute (and clever) kids of Laos & Cambodia! You can’t get mad at them, we have so much and they have so little… and yet they know what’s important in life, and they seem so much happier than us!

  15. jillacox says:

    I couldn’t believe the little girl didn’t throw a fit when she let go of her balloon and it drifted off. I’ve seen kids at home (or in UAE) screaming on the floor for less than that.

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