Take a look up top.

Three things to note.

1. Take a look up top. I have a new url! The old one should redirect here so old links and subscriptions should still be intact. Please let me know if you find broken links or I don’t show up in your reader!

2. I officially leave the UAE for good on June 5th. I think I’m okay with that.

3. I went on a hot air balloon ride last month. But that story will have to wait.

xo, jill

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  1. Looking so much forward to see more pictures from the hot balloon ride! must have been amazing!!
    So, where is life taking you now after the UAE? xx

  2. Cannot wait to see the hot air balloon pics!!! where are you going now?

  3. klinskidorn says:

    LOVE this photo.

  4. jillacox says:

    Technical difficulties… if your comment disappeared on this post, don’t worry it will be back shortly!

  5. Very nice! I’ve been thinking about getting my own URL as well, but who knows!

    Looking forward to all the posts to come :)

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