Novelty Snacks of Malaysia

Highs and lows.

Novelty Snack: Waffito Waffles by Daily Fresh
Description: The filling of your choice between two waffles. I picked chocolate and peanut butter.
Tastes Like: Extreme deliciousness much like Flavourspot in Portland but perhaps a bit easier to eat.
Verdict: Thumbs up!

Novelty Snack: Abrus Cantoniensis Herbs Tea Cooling Healty Drinks
Description: A mixture of herbs that helps to cool the body.
Tastes Like: Jaeger without the alcoholic kick, according to Mike. According to me it tastes worse that black licorice mixed with dirt. It was bitter and disgusting. I took a sip and immediately ran to spit it out in the drain. Mike thought I was puking. I had to get something to clean my mouth out immediately.
Verdict: Thumbs neutral, according to Mike. Thumbs way down for me.

Novelty Snack: Paddle Pop
Description: “Toffee and butter caramel flavored ice confection” from Australia.
Tastes Like: Frozen cotton candy.
Verdict: Thumbs up!

Novelty Snack: Chrysanthemum with Honey Drink
Description: Tea made from chrysanthemums and intended to cool.
Tastes Like: Drinking tea made from flowers. Not bad but not really good either. I don’t care for honey so that aspect didn’t help.
Verdict: Thumbs neutral

I purchase a few other items for snacking but upon research learned that they were made with shrimp. Not veggie friendly!

Malaysia is definitely in the lead for most disgusting novelty snack of all time and I hope it stays that way. I really don’t want to taste anything more disgusting than that mystery herbal tea. Yuck.

xo, jill

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  1. The waffle does look great! :)

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