Novelty Snacks of Slovenia

Minus the cube of yeast.

Novelty Snack: Kviki paprika flavor

Description: a small bread stick
Tastes Like: The shape and size of this snack had me expecting it to be a corn nut or peanut, so crunching down on a bread stick was a disappointment.

Verdict: Thumbs neutral

Novelty Snack: Kremma Rezina

Description: A very famous custard and cream cake.
Tastes Like: Vanilla custard and whipped cream sandwiched between puff pastry. This is a famous dessert so I feel a little guilty saying that I could not eat it. The texture of the custard created a slimy feeling on the back of my throat. The flavor is also really mild and not too interesting.

Verdict: Thumbs neutral

Novelty Snack: Bobi

Description: Peanut butter puffs
Tastes Like: These are basically peanut butter flavored Cheetos. They are very salty and melt in your mouth.

Verdict: Thumbs up!

Novelty Snack: Cockta!

Description: A local soft drink consisting of 12 different herbs. The most prominent flavor is dog rose hip. (Not pronounced how it looks. I learned that mistake the hard way as I kept repeating “Cock-tah” to the shopkeeper. He finally got it, “Oh, Coke-tah?” Oops.)
Tastes Like: Very sweet cough syrup. I was expecting cola and was unpleasantly surprised. However, I suppose it could be a flavor that grows on you. It’s very popular in Slovenia.

Verdict: Thumbs down!

xo, jill

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