Tasting the fruit loop.


This past Saturday my mom and I set out for some adventure and sweet treats. Our first stop (the adventure) was riding the Alpine Slides on Mount Hood. I’d love to say that I whizzed down the mountain and left my mom in the dust… but that wouldn’t be the truth. The truth is that the “scenic track” is not a misnomer. I barely made it to the bottom of the slide where my mom was waiting for me. It was a slow ride. Our second run was a bit faster but not outrageously fast like one would hope.

Our second stop (the sweet treats) was cherry picking on the Fruit Loop. The Fruit Loop is a 35 mile scenic drive in Hood River County through orchards, farmlands, and wineries. You could spend all day on the loop, but we just made one stop off the main path, Draper Girls Country Farm.

We picked rainiers and bings and picked up some beans and peaches too. There really is something about gathering your own food. It just tastes better.

We stopped in Hood River for lunch before heading back home. And that little cookie is destined to be my next baking triumph.

xo, jill

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