Kiva Loan: August

8 down, 4 to go!

Can I just say that I love checking in on my Kiva loan portfolio? Of the money I’ve loaned this year, $52.49 has already been repaid. I’m in no real rush for repayment, but I love sending that money back out again. If I knew finance would be this much fun I might have reconsidered my major. [Ok, probably not, but it is exciting!]

due to modesty Ruqaya’s daughter is pictured in her place, photo from Ruqaya’s Kiva listing

This month my loan goes to a woman who not only lives in a country I recently visited, she also runs a business doing one of my personal hobbies: embroidery! Ruqaya lives in Jordan and supports her family by selling her embroidered garments and hangings. If you’ve ever taken on a embroidery project, you know that it is a very time consuming practice. Ruqaya is requesting money to invest in materials and tools that will speed up her work. I completely understand.

In other news, Kiva is in the midst of a drive for new lenders! Have you been meaning to give a Kiva loan? Are you super excited to lend a small amount of money that will make a big difference? Follow THIS LINK and sign up for Kiva before August 13! [I’m not just saying that because I get a t-shirt if 4 more of you do, it really is a good thing!]

xo, jill

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