Karak Castle


On our drive from the Dead Sea to Petra we stopped at Karak. The main feature of the town is the large crusader castle perched on the hill. In 7th grade my Word History teacher told us about a trip she took (was hoping to take?) that follows the Crusaders’ path from Europe into the Middle East. At the time, I thought that was a really weird trip to want to take. Follow in the footsteps of those who killed a whole lot of people? Now, having visited a crusader castle, I still think it’s a bit odd for a vacation.

From a historical perspective, it certainly is interesting to consider how the crusaders’ managed to get all the way to the Middle East… and with enough energy left over to build castles. But wanting to spend my holiday reenacting the trek (without the holy war, I presume)… not so much.

This is also where many local people mistook me for a Muslim. Prior to leaving the Dead Sea I wrapped my scarf around my head to protect from flies. It was still up when we parked in Karak in front of a local restaurant. (It’s kind of a fun style, ok?) The men sitting about took in my ankle length skirt, my wrist length cardigan, and the sheila covering my head. Of course they asked if I was a Muslim. Oh boy. Awkward. Then I felt like I had to keep it on. So I did. Later at the castle a group of teenage girls very excitedly called out, “Muslim??? Muslim?!” It’s a good thing I don’t speak English and couldn’t understand their question. Lesson learned.*

*Just to be clear, I don’t mind anyone thinking I might be Muslim. The embarrassment came from the possibility of people thinking I was trying to impersonate, or even worse, mock Muslim women.

xo, jill

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  1. Interesting how similar that crusader castle looks to the one we saw in Lebanon. Also, enjoyed the Muslim story, hehehe.

  2. Maybe it’s a one floor plan kind of deal!

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