Novelty Snacks of Nepal

Mountain snacks.

Novelty snacking has gotten a little out of control. In an effort to not go crazy trying to post them all, I’m limiting the snacking from now on. (Ok, not really the snacking… just the photo taking). A few snacks were edited down from this trip because either I wasn’t present to hear the results, or just plain don’t remember the details.

Here goes:

Novelty Snack: Lime ‘n’ Masala Masta flavored potato chips
Description: “the spirit of a young and vibrant India.” – Lays
Tastes Like: a mixture of Indian spices possibly including cardamon and cinnamon
Verdict: Thumbs neutral

Novelty Snack: Chabaa guava juice
Description: Guava juice with guava flesh
Tastes Like: the juice of a guava
Verdict: Thumbs up!

Novelty Snack: Green Pea Snack
Description: a puffed pea snack
Tastes Like: non-cheesy Cheetos with a slight pea flavor aftertaste with salt
Verdict: Thumbs neutral for Mike, thumbs up for me!

Novelty Snack: Unidentified dried fruit
Description: none
Tastes Like: disgusting spicy chewiness
Verdict: Thumbs down!

Novelty Snack: Peanut butter granola bar trekking snack
Description: peanut butter granola bar designed to provide energy while trekking
Tastes Like: not delicious stale and slightly chewy peanut butter lump with other seeds and bits
Verdict: Thumbs neutral!

Novelty Snack: SunCho
Description: chocolate covered sunflower seeds
Tastes Like: M&Ms, in a good way
Verdict: Thumbs up!

Novelty Snack: Mexican style peanuts
Description: roasted peanuts with chili flavor
Tastes Like: sweet and spicy peanuts
Verdict: Thumbs up!

Novelty Snack: Chippy, garlic and cheese flavor
Description: garlic and cheese flavored potato chips
Tastes Like: nothing spectacular
Verdict: Thumbs up!

Novelty Snack: Nachitas
Description: nacho cheese flavored potato chips
Tastes Like: very stale Doritos
Verdict: Thumbs up! (I’m not picky)

xo, jill

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  1. i love your face on the spicy fruit one. he he!

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