
… always be fun to say.

My second full day in Copenhagen I took a quick train ride out to Roskilde, a town on the edge of the Roskilde fijord. Because it was a Monday, the main street looked like this:

A quiet day in town, for sure.

Unfortunately the rain began to pour as I stepped off the train. My miracle shoes, recently defeated by cobblestones, didn’t hold up long in the puddles. The first stop of my sightseeing was inside a supermarket. I needed a pair of galoshes!

With my feet nice and dry, I was ready to explore the area. I stopped by the local museum to get a feel for the town. Roskilde was the medieval capital of Denmark and is now famous for an annual rock festival.

The cathedral in town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so I made sure to stop in for a look.

My intentions were to have a nice picnic lunch near the water by the viking ships. The combination of a long walk, my sore feet, and the drizzly rain left me pretty tuckered out by the time I reached the water. I took a quick look at a viking ship before catching the bus back to the train station.

Back in Copenhagen I wandered back over to Christiana. A friend had recommended a good vegetarian restaurant in the area. Luckily I stumbled upon the place without trying too hard to locate it. It was there that I had another bowl of delicious delicious very good (and expensive) soup.

Most attractions close early in Copenhagen but I didn’t want to waste any time in the city. Having bought a Copenhagen Card, I was determined to get my money’s worth by visiting as many of the supported attractions as possible. When the only place open in the evening happened to be The Wonderful World of Hans Christian Andersen, I thought it might be worth a look. The minute I entered, I felt… silly. I was the only visitor in the showroom that was certainly set up for children with very cheesy reenactments of fairy tales. When I came to the scene from The Emperor Has No Clothes, I just had to take a picture. Of course as soon as I did a family walked up behind me. What a perv, Jill.

xo, jill

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