De’Nile is a river in Egypt.

Ha. Totally.

After our visit to the Giza pyramids, our taxi driver took us on another ridiculous errand. This stop was at a perfume shop. Being fairly obvious that we had no interest in buying essential oils, the salesman decided to not waste our time (or his). We were released and off to see the pyramid at Saqqara.

We opted to just take a few photos from the road and head back to our hostel. Of course, we had to fend off our driver’s offers to take us to a nice place for lunch. “This restaurant… it is very nice!”

By this time… we were ready for a nap.

Waking up, we were ready again for a bit of adventure. We walked down to the water and chartered a felucca for a ride down the River Nile. Whoa…

Hello, longest river in the world.

Our captain was a man of few words (of the English variety) so our ride was relaxing despite passing several party boats.

Our captain also quickly passed off his steering duties to Molly… who in my opinion was the one who deserved the tip!

xo, jill

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