Oh-man, Oman!

You’re not so sandy!

I think most people have no clue what the terrain is like in Oman. It seems like a lot of us assume that the Arabian Peninsula is all sand. Well, it’s not like that at all! It has been fun to check out all of the varied landscapes as I’ve traveled around the region. Here are some more photos of the camping portion of our recent trip to Oman.

My Week: FridaysOmanOman











xo, jill

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  1. The rocky-ness looks like it would be uncomfortable for camping sleep!

  2. I really like that flowery shrub — any idea what it is?

  3. What do those creatures do with their horns. Dixon went on a 36 hour adventure, that’s the record for us other than staying at the hospital. Our favorite person was gone for 17 days when she went to Abu Dhabi. She came home talking about those tasty [square] things.

  4. The terrain looks much like this in portions of Aruba. The sandy side is beautiful, and the rough, rocky side is just that. They, too, have wild goats, as well as dogs, lizards and donkeys in Aruba. We saw all but the donkeys.

    We missed reading your blog while we were there! We love keeping up with you via the internet! XOXO

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