My Week: Saturdays

Reigning it in.

Saturdays are usually spent running errands in the morning (as early as possible to avoid traffic), catching up on school work, and settling in to be ready for the week. However, when you wake up in Oman, things are different.

Elizabeth and I were roused early by the voices of small children and the drumming of goats’ hooves. Two small little girls were running through our campsite accompanied by their older brother. The goats were getting a fair amount of running in too. There was no sleeping in.

After a quick breakfast I explored the area a little bit more by climbing a ladder into a garden. It’s fascinating to see the irrigation system the local people have developed.




On our way back home we stopped at Jabrin Castle, just outside of Bahla. It took a few attempts to find it, but we kept at it. I’m glad we were so determined because the fortress was fabulous. I’ve visited a few forts in the UAE, but this one in Oman takes the cake… or date syrup sweet, if you will.


The fortress was wonderfully kept and a complete maze. I thought of Freya Stark’s travel in Yemen and how she had to be escorted through the homes she stayed in because they were designed with defenses in mind. Fascinating. This fortress had several guest rooms, an upstairs bathroom, a mosque, school, kitchen, library, jail… and more I’m sure. I absolutely loved it.




In the future the fortress will offer an audio tour. During out time there a sticky note was taped to the machine reading simply, “Not yet.”


After the fortress we continued all the way back to Al Ain. I headed back to Abu Dhabi on my own and prepared to prepare for the week.


I hope you enjoyed seeing a bit more of what life is like for me in Abu Dhabi.

xo, jill

(More photos of the fortress to come!)
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  1. it is really working like a charm to invite me personally. i come look at your blog as soon as i see it is ready for Liz viewing! your pictures are so amazing. you are going to have such a collection when your time in abu dhabi is done. assuming, heaven forbid, you don’t decide to stay their permanently. the way you narrate your entries cracks me up b/c it sounds more like Mr. Rogers than Jill. love ya!

  2. I’m glad you get to have so many adventures :) and that you get to share them with us via blog! I kinda feel like I’m right there with you :)

  3. Jill, from one mover to another, I think you are so damn cool.


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