Novelty Snacks of Thailand Part 2

We took our role as snacking scouts quite seriously.

More delicious (and not so delicious) snacks to report.

Novelty Snack: Salted broad beans
Description: Dried and salted beans
Tastes Like: Nothing special… an uninteresting texture with an aftertaste of salt
Verdict: Thumbs neutral.

Novelty Snack

Novelty Snack: Green pepper flavored potato chips
Description: Potato chips covered in pepper flavored powder
Tastes Like: Mildly spicey potato chips
Verdict: Thumbs up!

Novelty Snack

Novelty Snack: Custard Cake
Description: Custard filled sponge cake
Tastes Like: Couldn’t tell you… Molly finished this one off pretty quickly despite not liking it too much
Verdict: Thumbs down!

Novelty Snack

Novelty Snack: Street Toast
Description: A thick piece of bread or cake covered in the toppings of your choice
Tastes Like: Sweetness. One half was vanilla with raisins while the other half was chocolate and sprinkles. On top of that was sweetmilk (or some such milky substance).
Verdict: Thumbs up! (but consume in moderation or beware of a tummy ache)

Novelty Snack

Novelty Snack: Strawberry flavored balls
Description: Like a strawberry flavored whopper
Tastes Like: Don’t remember exactly so I’m going to say like a strawberry flavored whopper
Verdict: Thumbs neutral.

Novelty Snack

Novelty Snack: Jack and Jill brand chips
Description: Cheese potato chips
Tastes Like: Not too crispy chips
Verdict: Thumbs up!

Novelty Snack

Novelty Snack: Pretz
Description: Thin breadsticks in a variety of flavors, this package is pizza
Tastes Like: Crunchy breadsticks with a vague pepperoni flavor
Verdict: Thumbs up!

Novelty Snack

Novelty Snack: Melon Seeds
Description: Roasted and salted watermelon seeds
Tastes Like: sunflower seeds
Verdict: Thumbs up!

Thailand Novelty Snacks

Thailand Novelty Snacks

Thailand Novelty Snacks

Still a few more treats to share…

xo, jill

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  1. The longest time I’ve spent away from home was when I was 20 years old and took the spring semester off from college to live in Brighton, England. I was there for 7 months and it a life changing experience for me. I’m a much better person for it and made the most amazing friends that I’m still close with today.

    I’ve been enjoying reading all your “snack” reviews! My favorites in Brighton were Skips (like a lite, airy potato chip) and Worcestershire Sauce Potato Chips!


  2. Elizabeth Buck says:

    Gonna have to try some of these ones, I have never tried the Jack and Jill ones… there are so many tasty treats here, from 7/11 to the streets. So little time :)

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