My Week: Wednesdays

Wild card.

Wednesdays are usually pretty good days. I have my girls in the morning and we can often plow through our lessons without too much strife. See the behavior chart:

My Week: Wednesdays

This day we used the vocabulary from earlier in the week and made city maps. The girls had to include a cinema, supermarket, school, park, restaurant, and a mall. I was very pleased with their focus and the results of their efforts.

My Week: Wednesdays

Would you be surprised to know that I wore a long skirt and a cardigan?

My Week: Wednesdays

After school I raced back to my very large and comfortable bed. I’ve come accustomed to long and lovely naps in the afternoon. At first I would have a quick doze on the couch… until I learned that if I get into bed I’ll fall into a deep sleep for at least an hour and often longer. I usually wake up feeling groggy but pleased and I can always fall fast asleep at my proper bedtime.

My Week: Wednesdays

Originally I had plans to meet a friend for dinner. She makes the savory main meal and I make the sweet dessert. We moved the Wednesday night dinner to Thursday afternoon, but I still needed to make up my dessert. This is why I was baking test batches of cookies earlier in the week. Now I was ready to perfect them.

My Week: Wednesdays

My Week: Wednesdays

The evening ended with a quick run to the supermarket to pick up a few items for the weekend.

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  1. Wednesday for me is just wrapping up. I having to deal with all of my account renewals before Friday (as i took it off to go camping on an unfortunately very damp weekend) Cannon Beach anyone? 50 degrees and soaking? anyone? Bueller?

  2. Jill I am waiting with anticipation for “Thursday”!!!

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