Top of Maiden’s Tower.

Incest… never a good idea.

That afternoon our personal tour guide was engaged elsewhere so we took sight seeing into our own hands. Our self led attempt started out with a fail.


We walked down to a museum for carpets. The Azeri people make beautiful carpets. I’d love to tell you all about it except there were no English speaking guides available that day. We admired the carpets as best we could without knowing what specifically we were looking at.

Then we headed to Maiden’s Tower, which is actually just around the corner from Evan’s apartment. Not too much is known about the tower, but here’s the juicy story that is totally not true at all and kind of creepy that someone thought it up in the first place:

Way back in the day the king (or leader of some kind) fell in love with his daughter. His own daughter. He loved her so much he wanted to marry her. His own daughter. The daughter didn’t want to disobey her father but she was pretty grossed out by the whole matter. She told her father that she would marry him, but first he must build her a tall tower so she could look over all the land in their possession. When the tower was completed the maiden climbed to the top and threw herself off, thus avoiding having to marry her creepy father.

Now aren’t we glad that didn’t really happen?



But the view from the top is quite nice.






xo, jill

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  1. Maybe the maiden had a tower so that she could keep her [Tutku] all to herself! ;0)

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