"So, why did you come to Baku?"

Ahead of the tourism curve.

Morning came with an invitation from Evan to play Ultimate Frisbee with a group of well established ex-pats in the city. We were picked up by a foul-mouthed Brit and whisked away to a university where the ex-pats play. Frances, having not played Ultimate since Wednesday, was game. Molly and I elected to take a photo walk around the Soviet era training grounds.

Baku Morning Mosaic

I think everyone was a bit amused over how excited we were to be able to see our breath… not to mention the yellow leaves! We didn’t think we’d see fall this year… but we found it in Baku.


Post game, we headed out to lunch with our lively new acquaintances, taking a quick side trip to a Soviet prison. Not pretty. I was advised to take a photo fast, then hide my camera.


The ex-pats, who work in oil, e-commerce, and education, were a bit puzzled as to why we would visit Baku… and how we met up with Evan. We all enjoyed a good laugh explaining the situation and an even harder laugh at the Brit’s suggestion that it sounded quite fitting for the basis of an adult movie. Ahem.

Apparently, Baku’s not a hot tourist destination. According to one of the ex-pats, in 2004 Azerbaijan issued only 27 tourist visas! Most people visit Azerbaijan on business… if at all.

Challenge accepted.

xo, jill

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  1. Life is to live and you are doing it! Go get ’em girl!
    Sounds like a great trip to Baku.
    Love YOU!

  2. Until today, i have never given Azerbaijan any more thought than it being near Iran and an ex-soviet country. Now i know where i’m spending my next spring break!

  3. Nothing like a game of ultimate to remind you of the ham!

  4. Kitty!!

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