Novelty Snacks of Baku

I kind of love these cookies.

One of the joys of travel is seeking out new foods. Being a grazer by nature, I am particularly drawn to the novely snack. Baku turned out to be a snacker’s delight.

Novelty Snack: Pop
Description: A strawberry soda with coconut pulp floating about originating in an Asian country.
Tastes Like: A super sweet sugary drink with chunky gel-like things.
Verdict: Thumbs up!

Baku Novelty Snacks

Baku Novelty Snacks

Baku Novelty Snacks

Novelty Snack: Pop Kek
Description: A moist banana cake covered in chocolate.
Tastes Like: Well… a moist banana cake covered in chocolate.
Verdict: Thumbs up! Although each of us was satisfied with just one bite.

Pop Kek Novelty Snack Mosaic.

Novelty Snack: CRAX pretzel style
Description: Your basic pretzel.
Tastes Like: Not much… I think the term “styrofoam” may have been used.
Verdict: Thumbs up! Really, I don’t turn down savory carbohydrate loaded snack foods.

Baku Novelty Snacks

Novelty Snack: Browni
Description: A chocolate brownie with a sour cherry in the middle.
Tastes Like: A very rich chocolate cupcake with a squirt of fruitiness inside.
Verdict: Thumps up!

Baku Novelty Snacks

Baku Novelty Snacks

Baku Novelty Snacks

Novelty Snack: CRAX stick style, cheese flavor
Description: Cheese flavored breadsticks
Tastes Like: Deliciousness… not too cheesey, not too bready… nice and crunchy.
Verdict: Thumbs up! I stocked up on several packets to bring back to Abu Dhabi with me.

Baku Novelty Snacks

Novelty Snack: Tutku
Description: Chocolate and vanilla shortbread with a cocoa filling center.
Tastes Like: Every good thing that’s ever happened to you having a party in your mouth on the first sunny day of spring
Verdict: Thumbs up! Can’t lie… I’m a little obessessed with these cookies. I mean, I dreamed about laying on the floor at the hypermarket surrounded by their little red and white packages. I hoarded as much as I could in my suitcase and have been rationing them since I returned home. Frances swears she found some at the market in the desert… but I’ll believe it when I see it.

Baku Novelty Snacks

Baku Novelty Snacks

Novelty Snack: Kpekep Crackers
Description: Cheese flavored crackers
Tastes Like: Off tasting Ritz crackers covered in a flavorless powder
Verdict: Thumbs down!

Novelty Snack: Schoko-Bannen
Description: Chocolate covered banana
Tastes Like: Um. Gross. Chewy banana mess you can’t bite through and some wonky chocolate to cover it all.
Verdict: Thumbs down! Molly was begging us to eat these… no thanks.

Baku Novelty Snacks

Novelty Snack: Nestle FOR MEN
Description: A chocolate bar FOR MEN!
Tastes Like: Manly chocolate?
Verdict: Unknown… We’re still waiting for any delayed side effects Frances may display.

FOR MEN Mosaic

Over all, mostly positive and only 2 concerns: 1. I now have to manage a cookie addiction (this is new for me) and 2. I’m still trying to figure out why FOR MEN is for men… hmm…

xo, jill

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  1. Looks like a really fun and yummy experiment!

    The Tutku looks great to me, but then, I’m a shortbread cookie freak!

  2. I,too, LOVE to try snack food in different countries!!! Looking forward to more reviews :-)

  3. As I said before, I’m a shortbread cookie freak! The Tutku looks great! (Workin’ on the sweepstakes!!)

    I have a friend whose son was stationed in the Navy in the Persian Gulf. I need to see if he’s been to Abu Dhabi!


  4. Just working on winning [Tutku].

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