Kiva Loan: June

6 down, 6 more to go!

Logging in to my Kiva account was especially exciting today! Sos Mary, from April, has already repaid her loan. Wow! Sos Mary’s repayment combined with other repayments totaled $32 ready to go back out in the form of more loans. Awesome.

For my June loan I selected Pabla. Pabla lives in Mexico and runs a paper store. She needs capital to fully stock her store before school starts in the fall. She wants her customers’ children to have all the school supplies they need. I definitely support that.

Photo from Pabla’s Kiva listing

Any exciting news from your loans?

xo, jill

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  1. kiva is so great! my lady owns a posterilla here in peru, and she is about halfway paid off. so rewarding!

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