Abu Dhabi Film Festival 2

Chimps and trash.The next two films I saw were brilliantly made documentaries. I love a good documentary. I could watch one on just about anything. A friend used to tease me when he found out I watched a documentary on Tupperware. But you know what? It was fascinating and I’d do it again.

3. Project Nim
Directed by James Marsh
Premise: A chimpanzee was taken from his mother at birth and raised in a New York human family. He was the subject in an experiment that aimed to explore a chimpanzee’s capacity for learning language. Unfortunately for Nim, chimpanzees grow up and become stronger than their handlers, which mostly leads to disaster. What to do with a chimpanzee who is caught between human and animal? Chimpanzees who were raised as humans is an especially interesting topic for me. Have you ever heard about Lucy?

4. Taste the Waste
Directed by Valentin Thurn
Premise: Taste the Waste details the amount of food that is wasted each day in Europe and North America. It examines why literal tons of perfectly edible food are tossed in the trash on a daily basis. This film definitely got me thinking. I felt especially frustrated when I thought about how guilty I feel when I toss out a rotting tomato, meanwhile wholesalers dump pallets of tomatoes in the trash for being the wrong size, color, or too ripe. It also made me miss my compost bins.

xo, jill

Abu Dhabi Film Festival 1

Chicken with early cinema.The Abu Dhabi Film Festival is wrapping up today. The event is always highly anticipated. During the 10 days of the festival, movie-goers can view interesting and independent films from around the world. The usual cinema offerings are typically the major blockbusters from home (and sometimes edited).

This year I saw seven films and I thought it would be fun to share a few clips or trailers from each one.

1. Chicken with Plums (2011)
Directed by Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud
Premise: After his tar is ruined, acclaimed muscian Nasser Ali loses his will to live. He retires to his bed and decides to die. Over the next 8 days the story of his life unfolds, revealing the real significance of his tar and musical career. It sounds like a downer and it is pretty sad. However, the film was very fun to watch and included humorous elements. It is based on Satrapi’s graphic novel of the same name. If you liked Persepolis, you’ll probably like this although the two are very different.

2. Saved from the Flames
Presented by Serge Bromberg
Premise: This was a special early cinema feature of the festival. Bromberg, a film historian, put together a series of films that narrowly escaped destruction. He explained that most cinemas used to throw out old movies in the same way we toss out newspapers today. Therefore, sadly, many important early films are lost. Some of the more interesting films and clips he showed included the earliest film from the Middle East (1903), a travel film from India (190?), and a previously forgotten Buster Keaton film, Love Nest (1923). The highlight of the presentation was a viewing of the recently restored in color, A Trip to the Moon (1902).As you can imagine, most of these films are not available on the internet, but here’s the first part of  Love Nest with Buster Keaton.

xo, jill

Super speed


Mike had a lot of fun this summer playing with the super-speed function on his camera. I took all of his little clips from the countries we visited together and made a little video.

Five countries in less than two minutes… here we go… !!!


xo, jill

*Where my travelators at?!

The journey

Long and flat.The drive to Salalah began with an overnight stop in Nizwa. Nizwa is about a 4 hour drive from Abu Dhabi. A slow border crossing made it quite a bit longer for us.

photo by Sarah
photo by Sarah

We stayed in a nice local hotel for the night before gearing up for the 8 hour drive to Salalah. The drive itself is memorable for being unmemorable.

photo by Sarah

Check out this video Sarah made and see for yourself:

Hard to believe it’s green at the end, isn’t it?

xo, jill

Sister Blog: Burj Khalifa Video

Away we go!
My sister took a video on our way up the elevator to the observation deck. Check out that speed!

xo, jill

Merry Christmas!

Click through to watch it big!

xo, jill

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