Archives for May 2012

Wat Sensoukarahm

The Red Temple.

After visiting the Royal Palace Museum, Mike and I began walking toward the tip of the peninsula. I don’t remember if we had a particular place in mind. In Luang Prabang it doesn’t really matter if you have a set destination. You’re sure to encounter something beautiful.

We ended up stopping at a little cafe to get breakfast for Mike and a smoothie for me. The cafe happened to be across the street from Wat Sensoukarahm so we decided to stop by. The facade of the temple is a beautiful red color, hence the nickname “Red Temple.” It was built in 1718 and later restored twice (1932, 1957).

Only a few other visitors were on the grounds yet nearly every one of them (including Mike) insisted on standing directly in my shots. I’d reframe and they’d move again! In an effort to keep a peaceful atmosphere peaceful, it was time to move on.*

xo, jill

*Well obviously I got a few without tourists but it was tough!

Royal Palace Museum

Simple luxury.

Our first official sightseeing in Luang Prabang was at the Haw Kham Royal Palace Museum. The palace was built in 1904 and was used until 1975 when the communists overthrew the monarchy. Now it is open to visitors seeking a glimpse into the lives of the royal family.


Photographs are not allowed inside but I was particularly enchanted with the royal bedrooms. It’s just fun to see where important people sleep at night. The king had an especially ginormous armoire. It was also fun to see the many gifts from different heads of state.

Sweet ride.

Also on the grounds is Haw Pha Bang, a very impressive Buddhist temple. It was also my favorite. You’ll see plenty of photos of this one in later posts.

This random toddler on a bench was pretty cute too. 

xo, jill

Happy Mother’s Day

xo, jill & mike

Bits and Pieces.

A couple of things.

1. I added a new button on my sidebar for instant photos. Just click on “Instax” and it will take you to all the posts with photos from my Fuji Instax camera. (Oh, and if you haven’t clicked through in the last two weeks or so… there’s been another new redesign!)

2. I thought all my subscription settings were ok after changing urls, but it seems like there are a few little issues. My Bloglovin’ subscribers seem to have disappeared so I added a little button on the sidebar if you’d like to follow that way. I also added a followers widget if you’d like to follow via Google Friend Connect. Those of you hanging out in Google Reader seem to be ok but sometimes the posts show up a few hours late. Let me know if any other issues are happening!

3. My photo was featured yesterday at Twenty-Something Travel. Go take a look!

xo, jill 

From the Hip Friday

A new feature!

I was discussing blogging and blog features with a friend recently and realized…I should start one of my own! I do have the 10 Questions series but I want to do something more regular.


Introducing: From the Hip Friday

You know when you’re in a new and exciting location but you feel just a little too shy to point your camera in someone’s face? Or you’re speed walking through town and just don’t have the time to stop? It’s times like these when I find myself shooting from the hip.

Shooting from the hip means you hold your camera at waist level and take a photograph without framing the scene in your viewfinder. For me, I usually get a blurry mess. But every once in awhile I manage to capture something I like. It’s definitely a skill I want to improve and luckily I found this site which has plenty of good tips and amazing examples.

Every Friday I will feature a photograph of mine or yours that was taken from the hip!

This one was taken on the street in Luang Prabang, Laos.

If you have a photograph that was taken from the hip that you’d like to share here, please contact me!

xo, jill

First Glimpse of Luang Prabang

At last.

What is it about doing nothing all day that is so exhausting? Our bus ride from Luang Prabang was an all day adventure of winding roads and sitting. By the time we arrived, we were exhausted but ready to stretch our legs.

After finding our very comfortable hotel, we walked into town for the night market and dinner.

Here are a few photos I took on the way.

I bet by looking at our faces you could guess it was an early night.

xo, jill

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