The journey…

really was a battle.

I wouldn’t normally share too much about flights, but this trip is the exception. As Molly and I were waiting to board the plane, we suddenly noticed something. Not only were we the only tourists on our flight, we were the only Westerners, and two of three females. Everyone else was clearly returning home or visiting family for the Eid holiday. At this point I started to wonder if maybe Bangladesh isn’t sought out for tourism?

Boarding the plane itself was quite the experience. We flew a budget airline that allows one free carry on and charges a fee for checked bags. Here’s where we encountered a bit of a problem. When you consider that everyone is hoping to avoid the checked bag fee, and that everyone on the plane (besides us) is laden down with gifts for their families, you might reach the conclusion that hell would break lose. It pretty much did.

Our plane was delayed for an hour and a half due to hand luggage. Passengers were attempting to shove very large bags in the already full overhead bins, as well as beneath their seats. Other bags were just left in the aisle. The poor flight attendant. She was trying her best to communicate that all the luggage needed to be stowed or put below in cargo… but the message just wasn’t getting across. This led to other passengers (the ones who knew English) shouting at her to “put some authority into her voice!” or simply firing profanities into the air.

Ignore our sleepy faces and check out the scores of men.

Passengers were even on their mobile phones as the plane was about to take off. The flight attendant finally snapped, “Sir, do you want to go home??? Then turn off your mobile!” It was pretty intense, folks.

I was shocked. I’ve never been on such a poorly managed flight before. I thought there might be a mutiny! Molly was asleep (it was past midnight).

I slept through much of the actual flight but as soon as we landed the chaos started up again. Molly and I sat next to man who had the window seat. As soon the plane stopped he literally jumped over us (like his butt in our face style) to get to the aisle. We just sat back knowing there was no way we were going anywhere.

Probably .2 seconds after the plane landed.

Our return flight was much better and since no one was carrying gifts all the hand luggage seemed to fit. The only problem this time was that we were seated near the toilet on a flight full of tiny bladders. I think every man on that plane urinated at least 3 times (1 of which he hit the target). I could go into more detail, but I won’t. Let’s just say Molly was gagging.

I suppose the important part is that we made it there and back safely, but my goodness. What a journey.

xo, jill

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