
from the future!

Over the past few weeks I’ve had the opportunity to visit the future… twice.

Masdar City is a giant zero-carbon environmental project coming to fruition just outside of Abu Dhabi. Right now the project is only in phase 1, but when it’s complete the city will house 55,000 people, 1,000 businesses, and a university… all running on renewable resources!

We went to check the place out. There’s not too much happening out there now… the university is running, and a few businesses are open. We shopped at the small organic store, ate dinner at Sumo Sushi, and checked out Caribou Coffee for dessert.

The best part was the transportation… driverless pods!

You climb into a little bug of a vehicle, push a button, and you’re off! The pod is powered with solar energy and uses magnets to navigate. Awesome.

Hopefully Masdar’s sustainability will begin to creep into the mainstream Abu Dhabi lifestyle. It certainly will be interesting to see what the project looks like as the next stages are completed.

xo, jill

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  1. I read about that place a while ago! It looks really exciting. Love seeing the photos of those pods.

  2. oh man. so fascinating.

  3. Oh my gosh, that is so cool!

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