Sorry, Leon

I feel like I owe you an apology.

We left Casa Maderas before I had fully recovered from the food poisoning episode. We needed to get to Leon so we could stick to our itinerary. In some ways, a 5 or 6 hour van ride was the perfect thing. I could sit and relax for a good chunk of the day. In other ways, it was pretty uncomfortable. I was stuck in a van without much fresh air and I’m prone to carsickness. In the end, we made it to Leon, but I was not in the mood to do much exploring.

Leon, Nicaragua

Leon, Nicaragua

Mike ventured out while I elected to nap in our hotel room. I stand by my decision, it was the best one for me. However, I’m pretty disappointed that I didn’t get to see more of Leon. It has plenty of museums I was excited to visit. It was also Mike’s favorite stop on this trip.

Leon, Nicaragua

Leon, Nicaragua

I mainly saw the areas around our hotel, the main square, and the restaurant where we ate dinner. The good news is that those places were beautiful and interesting to look at. I’ll get you next time, Leon!

xo, jill

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