Kiva Loan: January

1 down, 11 to go!

And we’re off on another exciting year of Kiva lending!

The first loan of 2014 goes to Mayrambi in Tajikistan. I just really loved that she’s borrowing money to expand her caramel apple business. Mayrambi’s listing says that she is a “cook-confectioner in her soul.” I couldn’t miss the opportunity to help her invest in more sugar and apples. I love micro-lending!

Does anyone else have micro-lending as a part of their 2014 plans?

xo, jill


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  1. I have a single loan that I re-send out every time it gets paid back in full. I’d like to start contributing more! I actually just sent my next loan out this week, contributing to the funds a fellow was using to put doors and windows into his family’s house. I can’t imagine not having door or windows…so basic. And his funding deadline was approaching. It had to go to that family.

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