Instant Summer

It felt short.

I’ve been in Morocco for about three weeks* now and this past summer feels like so long ago. Like always, it was wonderful to see friend and family, and reconnect with my favorite corner of the earth.

I pulled out my instax camera and some partially exposed film. Here are a few instax photos from over the summer:

picking peaches with Jenny

Hannah and Allan at Molly’s wedding reception.

Annie and me at Molly’s wedding reception.

The perfect location for Molly’s wedding reception.

And a lost but then found photo of Joel from summer 2012

So good to be among the people you love.

xo, jill

*All is well. Just insanely busy.

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  1. Love these photos. Love that red dress you wore to the wedding as well! Looks kind of sparkly in the picture.
    Colleen Brynn recently posted…Capture The Colour – My VersionMy Profile

  2. I’m dying to hear about Morocco!! And I love these photos!
    Rika | Cubicle Throwdown recently posted…“So, like, what do you eat in Honduras?”My Profile

  3. Hey! Glad to see all’s well in M to the orocco :) These photos are neat, like you!

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