Travel Essential #4: Swimsuit

For splashing.

On nearly every trip*, I’ve brought a swimsuit. You just never know when you might have the opportunity for a little swimming or sunbathing. I was happy to have my swimsuit with me for the Dead Sea in Jordan, a dhow cruise in Oman, and a celebratory rain dance in Sri Lanka. I have even been on hikes that require you to remove your pants to ford a river. Wouldn’t you rather be in your swimsuit than your undies?

Clockwise: Jordan, Oman, Sri Lanka

A few years ago I made the switch back to wearing one piece suits. I didn’t realize it at the time but it turned out to be a good travel decision for many reasons.**

1. In many places, regardless of what you’re wearing you will be stared at. It’s just the norm. I’d rather be stared at in a one piece than a bikini.

2. While topless beaches might be popular in Europe, other places in the world are a bit more modest. Try standing in line behind a woman in a burkini. No matter what you have on, you’ll feel under dressed but at least your tummy is covered!

3. Or perhaps you’re in a place with predominantly male swimmers (like everywhere in the Middle East). The more coverage, the better… trust me.

Do you always make sure to pack a swimsuit too?

xo, jill

*Exceptions would be desert camping in the largest uninhabited desert in the world.

**Of course, plenty of women still swim in bikinis. At least one advantage I can see is that it takes up less space in your suitcase!

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